may be it is the worst problem i've ever got.
but yeah, finally, i can't handle it
too much problems, and i think i gonna to die
die.. hehehe
is it the last solve for me?
isn't it the porpose of our live?
to die...
and leave all this suck world...
will i die?
not now....
i dunno....
but one day.....
i'll gonna die....
P.S puisi ini aku buat ketika aku benar benar dalam keadaan down. well, bedanya i won't die. hehe
wah puisinya sedih loh D:
BalasHapusanyway nice blog :D
tolong follow back ya :D
BalasHapussudah aku follow back :)
gonna = going to
BalasHapusre-check ur sentence dear...
*Saling mengingatkan <3 (u,u)